How an Industry Leader Reduced Incidents

How an Industry Leader Reduced Incidents

Reducing Incidents

How an industry leader in construction & engineering went about reducing incident rates by 59%

At one of the largest construction and engineering companies in North America, safety is a core value. As a result it has enjoyed major contracts from some of the largest lead contractors in the world. However any industry leader knows that you can always improve and the company wanted to increase employee morale, productivity and retention through establishing a stronger workplace safety culture. A strengthened safety culture also ensured that it could continue to secure major contracts. Additionally, a stronger safety culture revolves around accurate and successful Risk Tolerance assessments (learn more about employee risks assessments and how they impact risk tolerance). The company turned to TalentClick for a full safety suite integration.

What They Achieved


How They Did It


All candidates applying for a position at the company participated in the Safety Quotient™ (SQ™) assessment to identify their default personality traits and provide hiring managers insight into the type of worker they may be.


All new employees were given a copy of their Participant Report allowing them to develop an understanding of their default personality and how it affects their workplace behavior. The report allowed managers to provide personalized orientation with coaching and management tips curated to the new hire’s risk-areas.

Continuous Training

Using TalentClick’s Safety Self-Awareness Training, the company hosted multiple workshops to train workers, foremen and safety mentors in practical methods for reducing preventable incidents. The workshop also helped leaders understand how to manage personalities that contribute to preventable incidents.


When a workplace incident occured, the worker would take or retake the SQ™ and complete their SafeSELF Action Plan workbook. They were then provided personalized coaching from management based on the results.

Safety Culture Assessment

The company leveraged TalentClick’s employee feedback surveys to develop an understanding of the front-line workers, supervisors, foremen and management’s perception of safety. It allowed for an objective analysis of safety practices, procedures, incident data and feedback, all of which were then compared to industry averages to tailor its future safety efforts.

Data Tracking

Regular updating and analysis of the company’s master results spreadsheet allowed it to identify correlations between incident data and internal SQ™ data. This allowed the company to have a full 360 degree view of its safety risk profile and develop more relevant training regimes. The data was leveraged to improve corporate safety programs at all levels of the company.

Begin Saving Time, Money, and Lives

You can start building a safer workforce with a 30-day free unlimited subscription of TalentClick’s Safety Self-Awareness System™! Click here to register and a solutions consultant will be in touch within 1 business day.