Finding quality candidates can be like searching for a needle in a haystack – it takes time and can be a long and frustrating process. And in today’s times of economic uncertainty, some employers are in a dire candidate shortage while others are drowning in applications (unfortunately from mostly unqualified applicants). It’s common in the current job market to have anywhere from 50-500 applicants per job opening.
That’s a lot of resumes to review, and narrowing down the candidate pool can be difficult when you don’t have time to effectively screen them all. It costs an organization time and money when an open job takes a long time to fill. It can also be frustrating for hiring managers to slog through resumes of candidates who look good on paper, but aren’t an ideal fit, and may not even show up to an interview. Recruiterbox recently noted the cost of hire based on time:
Reviewing Applicants: Total time spent is up to 23.5 hours, making the average cost up to $587.50+.
By optimizing your hiring process to include behavioral assessments early on, you can prioritize applicants and spend your time with people who are most likely to become top employees.
A candidate’s Attitude-Values-Personality (AVP) results provide insights into their personality, and how they may act when no one is watching. To save even more time and maximize efficiency in the candidate screening process, TalentClick offers a one-page summary report which provides a concise and actionable overview of the behavioral assessment, allowing HR personnel to determine if the candidate’s core values align with your company culture, if their personality is compatible with the job, and their attitudes toward risk and safety.
“The top benefits we’ve seen using TalentClick with our Host positions have been reducing turnover and saving time by screening people who best fit our top performer profile. Our managers and HR teams have fewer headaches by focusing on the right people earlier on.”
Nicole Liddell – VP HR PAVCO
*Full Customer Story Here*
In combination with a candidate’s job application and resume, a summary report can help you narrow down your candidate pool and get a quick sense of ‘fit.’ Fit is important because it predicts how a candidate can thrive in a role, or be held back because their personality just doesn’t suit what it will take in this job to excel. For example, a candidate who is very high in Achievement-Focus might not be best suited in a job with a lot of repetitive tasks, or someone with a high Apprehensive score may not be ideal as a crane operator.
Benchmarks show a range that indicates a good fit for a given position and provides an easy and efficient way to identify strengths and areas for development.

Summary reports save hiring managers time by providing a quick overview of the candidate to help prioritize candidates through your process. Once you start interviewing you can then dive into the full report for more insights and interview questions. Whether you use benchmarks or not, you can get a quick look into the candidate and who they are beyond their qualifications on a resume.