Portal Maintenance Log

Portal Maintenance Log

April 2024

New features:

  • Dynamic user Feedback when Setting New Password – user password requirements are checked off as user enters new password.
  • Allow special characters in passwords
  • Any MFA Country phone verification on login page.
  • Increase Benchmark Name length to 100 characters
  • Team Reports Add Members Assessment Report Search
  • Change Password Page Responsiveness for updating and setting new password – shows the user each condition the password meets as it’s entered by the user.
  • Add Typeform NPS Survey to TalentClick Website (Beta) so it’s displayed under specific conditions.
  • Added disable switch for Typeform NPS to disable for all users.

Bug fixes:

  • Resolved bug where Usage Report by Month and Year fixed totals where report parameters dates outside range were being included in report output.
  • Resolved a bug where Report Builder does not save settings if DSQ is first


  • Remove Basic user Accounts now that they are discontinued
  • Login As Another User moved from Tasks menu (TC Internal)


March 2024

New features:

  • Added “slider” for Portal  > Sessions tab
  • Added a setting to Companies tab (Settings) to designate inactive Companies in the TC portal
  • Added user feedback of “Copied” on Message Template placeholder when the user clicks the copy icon.
  • Added functionality for injecting ‘Test’ records (TC internal)
  • Improved audit logging

Bug fixes:

  • Campaign Management – fixed bugs related to campaign status.  The campaign status would remain as “Pending”.
  • Fixed ‘Exception’ error when deleting a “Team” from the Team Report
  • Fixed “Clear All” when an active search criteria is active on Campaign manager


  • Various updates to TC infrastructure security
  • Various internal updates for SOC2 compliance
  • Removed duplicate tables in TC database and consolidated
  • Consolidated SP dashboards
  • Cleaned up user accounts with no email address


Sept 2023

New features:

  • Campaign management – Append participant email address to unique campaign urls as a parameter. This auto-fills the participant’s email address on the survey. Participants can edit email addresses during the survey if needed.
  • Campaign management – Added ‘Email address’ placeholder on Message Templates
  • Campaign management – Added ‘Recipient’ type to send grid. (All participants or Not Started or Partially Completed)
  • Show Password Rules in Set Password page to improve clarity on creating new passwords and which characters are not permitted.
  • MA – Ability to delete Companies (Internal)

Bug fixes:

  • Campaign Management – Available assessment link list now filters out inactive group codes so users can’t select an ‘inactive’ group code for a campaign
  • Fixed TC portal error when removing last group code from Company record
    The Company buttons should be disabled when not in Profile Tab to be consistent with Users tab.
  • Fixed Assessments not showing in portal due to out of sync ‘caching’
  • Fixed Deleted User and Deleted Company did not always update the item tree.
  • Fixed Standard user link and group code assignments.
  • Fixed Team Report on screen pdf does not always refresh after creating a new report.
  • Fixed new standard user permission settings.
  • Fixed User Data in Tables that are not updated when User’s Company Is Changed



  • Update to TCServer caching of user, Companies and Group codes
  • Enabled Campaign management for all new Companies by default.
  • Various updates to TCAS (Internal)
  • Increased events logging (Internal)
  • TCAS Database clean up (internal)
  • Data cleanup when ‘test records’ are deleted
  • Security improvements and updates


July 2023

New Features:

  • Merge Group code Tables (Internal)
  • Autonomous error reporting (Internal)
  • Added new Campaign Management Tool (CMS)
  • CMS – Closed Campaigns can be reopened
  • Support missing dimension codes using XX instead of numeric score
  • Update User Links when Group Code Urls Updated from Dashboard (Internal)
  • CMS – Edit already Scheduled Invitations
  • CMS – User feedback when importing large participant files into a campaign letting the user know it’s still in progress.
  • CMS – On Company > Ability to enable CMS or disable Campaign management feature by company.
  • CMS – Ability for user to schedule “invitation time”
  • CMS – SMS functionality to Campaign management
  • CMS – Ability for user to manage phone number , country codes, area code on SMS Participant import for a Campaign
  • Users and Groups (Settings) now show inactive group codes in “Red” – Assessment URL is removed from being used. User will no longer be able to mistakenly “Invite” candidate to take an expired assessment link
  • Link automation data entry rules have been added for link validation on Groups and Links tab (Processor – Internal)


  • Split Multilingual .json into multiple files and remove duplication
  • CMS – Participant error when Deleting a Participant
  • Group Codes are listed incorrectly on the Links tab
  • UI branding throughout the TC Portal and Campaign Management feature.
  • Users and Groups – Links maintenance changes to UX
  • Link Automation improvements for link validation for use on Groups and Links tab.
  • Cache DB refresh rate increased for new data from Link automation appear in the TC portal faster(IE: Company and User info)

Bug Fixes:

  • Report Builder Product Icons are aligned with Product section.
  • Removed errors when duplicated links are being created for user.
  • Users (Settings) falsely shows suspended users when new user being created.
  • Resolved issue where Groups and Links tab not showing the correct assessment url or group code for the assigned user or Company.
  • Report Cache refresh time increased for Usage reports when some participant data is being left off Usage report


March 2023

New Features:

  • New Auto-Select Link on manual url assessment creation : When entering a manual link on the “Links” tab is not selected on “Save”.  Expected behavior is that when manually entering a link the url should automatically be selected vs having the user select the url
  • New – Links hard to see if long list on the Groups and Links Tab:  New layout with collapsible menu provides additional real estate for the the Links section to display selected links.
  • New filter to display “un-selected links” has been added too for the user to toggle between.

Bug fixes:

  • Resolved bug – Removing User Permissions doesn’t remove user notifications:
  • Resolved issue where if you delete or remove all user permissions in the TC portal it also clean up the ‘notifications’ associated with those group codes.
  • Resolved bug – Groups and Links tab showed wrong (random) associated links in some cases: localized and fixed an issue with the account_id
  • Resolved bug – Group Code Filter textbox on assessments page inconsistent behavior: Group Code filter now returns results based on user entered group code or string and no longer includes matches on the group code description which was misleading
  • Resolved bug – Team Report shows benchmark range in PDF but no benchmark is selected
  • Resolved bug – Language on switching: Talentclick Portal users were unable to switch between languages using the language selector.
  • Resolved bug – New Team Reports not showing in dropdown: when creating a new Team Report,  the name of the report did not display until the page refreshed.
  • Resolved bug – Bulk Purchase Date Format throws an error: New date picker added when entering a new bulk purchase entry to avoid issue with wrong date format
  • Resolved bug – Email Language not working on Password tab:In Settings | My Account | Password tab, the dropdown list for the selected language is not working. The code takes the language setting from the selected language on the top right of the page and ignores the email language selection.  Edited the code to ignore the globally selected language and respect the chosen language from the dropdown
  • Resolved bug – “User Created date” defaults to year 2015:  New users are given the proper time stamp creation date
  • Resolved bug – Team Reports team members not always displayed in grid.
    Resolved bug – Team Reports Teams dropdown not refreshed in some cases:  Now refreshes automatically.
  • Resolved bug – Null Links when adding group codes
  • Resolved bug – Report Builder Details per Benchmark Dropdown not disabling
    Usage Report missing candidate scores: In some cases duplicate candidate scores were recorded.  Some with dimension scores and another without. In some small number of cases the response without dimension scores were being used on the Usage report.


  • Importing Benchmark strings (Internal) : A method to import language strings into Benchmark library
  • New Database Task to find dimension scores by candidate email , Group code and date (Internal): A “Task” to generate a participants Dimension scores.
  • New Assessment Links Report (Internal): New assessment links report which generates the assessment urls by ‘User’.  Found under Settings > Maintenance > Tasks
  • Move Usage Report Column Headings
  • New – Enabled Localized Company reports (Can) for specific customer
July 2022


New features:

  • Groups and Links tab enhancement. Links are now ‘auto populated’ based on the group codes selected for the user. The user needs to select the links they want to appear in the Invite tab. Manually entered a links are still supported.
  • Language variables now added to the TC portal url
  • Updates to Internal usage reports
  • Ongoing language translations in TC portal
  • Enhanced Security at login screen (limited login attempts at IP)
  • Enhanced session security
  • Improved Link automation framework to work with new portal users (internal)


  • Vast performance and UX improvements for Tablet and Mobile devices on TalentClick Portal
  • Invite Page floating footer calibrated to auto size for various screen sizes
  • Server software and security updates
  • TLS update (1.1 or lower ver no longer supported with .Net Framework v4.7 or lower)

Bug Fixes:

  • Log out hover highlight appears brighter on highlighted field
  • Confirmation of new user created in TC portal

Nov 21st 2021


  • Improved page responsiveness for : Assessments, Report builder, Team Reports,  Benchmark,  Account and Users,  Companies,  Invite,  Bulk Purchase report pages.
  • Multiple bug fixes – Assigning user settings; Spinning icon in Report Builder,  Copy User settings,  Report Usage (Spanish and French),  Global issue displaying Benchmarks in Multiple languages.
  • Vast performance and UX improvements  for Tablet and Mobile devices on TalentClick Portal
July 21st 2021


New Features:

  • Simplified Participant Report List View – Consolidated the participant list of reports into a single row (by Response).  Click the Participant  to expand  list of reports generated for that participant. Note: User can set behaviour of this feature to “Expand Assessment Grid by default” (Settings menu > (users) >  Settings tab)
  • Multi-language selector – TalentClick portal is now available in alternate languages (French and Spanish).  Click the Global icon on top right to change default language.  Language parameters are saved for that device when the user accesses the portal.
  • TalentClick Portal website optimization for mobile and tablet devices.  – Pages are more responsive and support multiple page sizes for mobile and tablet devices
  • Universal Landing page (ULP) – Consolidated the US and Canada login pages to a single authentication page.  Users with logins in both US and Canadian Talentclick portal sites will be given a selection page to display which account they would like to access.  Canadian users (https://ca.reports.talentclick.com) will now be redirected to the Universal Landing Page and routed to the Canadian Portal.  Separate portal URL access points are no longer needed.
  • Changed the order of  columns on the Assessment page.  Now display Last name,  first name,  Fit score , Date,  Group code.
  • Added additional online tool to guide users through new TalentClick features and training.


  • Bug fixes
  • Performance improvements for all Device types


Dec 20th 2020


New Features:

  • Team Report layouts have changed to match Report Builder and other formatted TalentClick reports for consistency.  Improved report type option selection for Team Reports. SQ/ WVA/ WPP report can be generated at the same time vs individually generating each team report.
  • Benchmark Library has ‘ Descriptions’ to help expand the nature of the job title.  TalentClick Benchmarks will be given a description. Descriptions for customer defined Benchmarks can be added


  • Bug fixes
  • Performance improvements
Oct 20th 2020


New Features:

  • Business Reasoning Benchmark added to Talentclick benchmark library
  • Talentclick user password and email verification added to portal sign up


  • Bug fixes
  • Maintenance patch
Aug 4th 2020


New Features:

  • DSQ product now appears in Report Builder
  • SQ/DSQ logo in benchmark selector – Report Builder
  • New benchmark selector in Team Reports
July 10 2020


New Features:

  • Fit Score Search
  • CQ ranges added to TalentClick Benchmark Library
  • CQ added to Report Builder functionality


  • Bug fixes
  • Maintenance patch for page caching issue


June 2nd 2020



  • Bug Fixes on Usage Report
  • Resolved issues on Report Builder pages where “Back” button generated an error.
May 1st 2020


Maintenance patch:

  • Resolved Caching issue when user logged in (all browsers)
  • Resolved issue downloading reports in new portal
  • Resolved issue on new Portal > Invite tab.


April 30th, 2020


  • Update to TalentClick Portal (Canadian and Global sites)
  • Redesign of the login page to include “Announcements”
  • Improved look and feel of main portal page (now called Assessments)
  • Improved search capabilitiesNEW FUNCTIONALITY – REPORT BUILDER
  • Benchmark Library overlay on existing report results
  • Product selection (WPP, WVA, SQ)
  • Generate interview questions based on the participant’s scores relative to the benchmark (scores outside of the benchmark will be listed first)
  • Dimension selector to appear on report
  • 20 minute demo
April 10th 2020: 
  • Maintenance release for Report Builder
April 3rd, 2020:
  • Maintenance release for Settings
April 1st 2020
  • Updated Settings pages.  Release includes new page layouts and improved UX for client navigation.  Easier multi select options and ‘Save’ and notification dialogs of page changes
  • Bug Fixes