What if you could prevent your next incident?
Years of research has shown that personality drives safety-related decisions. TalentClick’s new and innovative approach to safety training teaches front-line workers how to prevent incidents from occuring by providing them with a stronger understanding of their own personality traits. Managers and supervisors will also learn how to spot high-risk workers and how to coach these individuals to grow their safety self-awareness
This is not a traditional safety course. TalentClick’s Safety Self-Awareness Training focuses on behavioral safety and risk-tolerance attitudes in the workplace and is backed by individual results from the Safety Quotient™ Personality-Risk Assessment.
What You Will Learn On This Course
- Industry stats on human error related incidents
- Research & case studies on human error
- The root cause of human error
- The personality types that can contribute to safety risk
- How to manage the personality of yourself and your workers to reduce risk
About the Safety Quotient
The Safety Quotient (SQ) is a psychometric tool being used to assess an individual’s “default settings” and measures personality traits correlated with human error. The SQ™ is proven to reduce incidents by up to 20% in most companies. After completing the online assessment, each participant will receive one or both of the following reports:
- Employer Report: Illustrates which workers are more likely to be rule-resistant, distractible, impulsive, irritable, and more. Gives leaders practical, actionable advice for coaching “Higher-Risk” employees.
- Participant Report: Includes a SafeSELF Action Plan for self-awareness and changing one’s own behaviors
About TalentClick
TalentClick is a leading expert in employee safety risk assessment. We apply our nearly half a century of combined experience in psychology, human resource consulting, and workplace learning to help organizations with project personnel selection, training, risk mitigation, and organizational effectiveness. Our mission is to impact positive workplace decisions from front-line workers to high-level executives in all types of industries across the globe.